Leave Your Mark with a Capital or Endowed Gift
Need-Based Scholarships
By providing need-based scholarships across the socioeconomic spectrum, from the least-advantaged students to those from middle-income families, we can ensure that Lawrenceville is defined by common values and high standards, not income level. Scholarships can target students from a particular state or region, students from military families, children of first responders, and more, enabling donors to share the Lawrenceville experience in a way that’s particularly meaningful to them.
Best for All Funds
Best for All Funds will recognize teachers and staff who best embody the spirit of the School's mission, "to seek the best for all." A Best for All Fund is a named endowed fund with the following options for donor preferences: awards for triple threats (faculty who teach, coach, and serve or have served as Head or Assistant Head of a student House), merit awards, retention bonuses, faculty travel awards, or summer development grants.
Wellness Initiatives
Led by the Dean of Campus Wellbeing, a host of wellness initiatives offer exciting opportunities to participate in this important work. Our students can't perform at their best and achieve their potential unless their emotional and mental health needs are being met. New initiatives will focus on wellness education and support, and our plans include summer institutes for students and faculty, a speaker series, scholars in residence, a wellness curriculum, external partnerships, and more.
Experiential Learning
Experiential learning encompasses everything from S.T.E.A.M. learning to immersive Harkness Travel experiences, from Summer Research Institutes to the workings of the Big Red Farm. Support for experiential learning – with endowed program funds or endowed positions for program directors – will help us prepare students for an evolving world by increasing the curricular potential of all these endeavors and adding to the experiential options we provide.
Campus Improvements
In the context of a campus master plan, new capital gifts will fund a pedestrian-only campus core and a "ring road" that will route vehicle traffic to the perimeter of campus, with positive impacts on safety, community fitness and socialization, the campus aesthetic, and sustainability of the landscape.
Make a Capital or Endowed Gift
For more information about supporting Lawrenceville with a capital or endowment gift, please contact:
Skylar Beaver
Director of Development
(609) 895-2185